Antminer S21 Pro (234Th)

Antminer S21 Pro (234Th)
Hashrate Power Algorithm
234 Th/s 3531 W SHA-256

Model Antminer S21 Pro manufactured by the Bitmain company uses the SHA-256 algorithm for mining, having a hashrate of 234 Th/s and 3531 Watts power consumption.

Daily Monthly Yearly
Income (Bitcoin) $10.68
0.00012972 BTC
0.00389162 BTC
0.04734807 BTC
Electricity -$10.17 -$305.08 -$3,711.79
Profit 0.51 15.39 187.29
Manufacturer Bitmain
Model Antminer S21 Pro (234Th)
Also known as Antminer S21 Pro
Release July 2024
Size 400 x 195 x 290mm
Noise level 75db
Fan(s) 2
Power 3531W
Interface Ethernet
Temperature 5 - 45 °C
Humidity 5 - 95 %

Minable coins

Bitcoin (BTC) SHA-256
Bitcoin (BTC)
BitcoinCash (BCH) SHA-256
BitcoinCash (BCH)
BitcoinSV (BSV) SHA-256
BitcoinSV (BSV)
Elastos (ELA) SHA-256
Elastos (ELA)
Namecoin (NMC) SHA-256
Namecoin (NMC)
Peercoin (PPC) SHA-256
Peercoin (PPC)
Xaya (CHI) SHA-256
Xaya (CHI)
Syscoin (SYS) SHA-256
Syscoin (SYS)

Where to buy?

Store Price Delivery
Antminer China
Trusted vendor
In stock
FileName FileSize Description Publish Date
Antminer-S21-Pro-AML-release-202408281552.bmu 15.21MB



1. Optimized firmware.

Please make sure the miner type and firmware type are the same before upgrading the miner firmware.
