Antminer S19 XP Hyd (255Th)

Antminer S19 XP Hyd (255Th)
Hashrate Power Algorithm
255 Th/s 5304 W SHA-256

Model Antminer S19 XP Hyd manufactured by the Bitmain company uses the SHA-256 algorithm for mining, having a hashrate of 255 Th/s and 5304 Watts power consumption.

Daily Monthly Yearly
Income (Bitcoin) $11.84
0.00014442 BTC
0.00433262 BTC
0.05271355 BTC
Electricity -$15.28 -$458.27 -$5,575.56
Profit -3.43 -103.00 -1,253.15
Manufacturer Bitmain
Model Antminer S19 XP Hyd (255Th)
Also known as Antminer S19 XP Hydro (255Th)
Release October 2022
Size 410 x 170 x 209mm
Weight 13100g
Noise level 50db
Cooling Water cooling
Fan(s) 0
Power 5304W
Interface Ethernet
Temperature 5 - 40 °C
Humidity 10 - 90 %

Minable coins

Bitcoin (BTC) SHA-256
Bitcoin (BTC)
BitcoinCash (BCH) SHA-256
BitcoinCash (BCH)
BitcoinSV (BSV) SHA-256
BitcoinSV (BSV)
Elastos (ELA) SHA-256
Elastos (ELA)
Namecoin (NMC) SHA-256
Namecoin (NMC)
Peercoin (PPC) SHA-256
Peercoin (PPC)
Xaya (CHI) SHA-256
Xaya (CHI)
Syscoin (SYS) SHA-256
Syscoin (SYS)
FileName FileSize Description Publish Date
Antminer-S19-XP-Hyd.-merge-release-20240814081854.bmu 29.45MB



1. Optimize the firmware.
2. Please make sure the miner type and firmware type are the same before upgrading the miner firmware.

3. Please use AntSentry to upgrade the firmware.
